12 Reasons You Should Be a Camp Counselor

1. The bonds you make

Looking to make great relationships? You won’t fully understand the impact you’ve had on your campers until they step onto the bus on the last day of camp.


When they head home for the summer, you’ll realize just how close you’ve grown with your camp squad – you’ve been with them every day for the last two months. You’ve been their cool big sibling, you’ve been their best friend, and a massive part of their summer. You’ll realize in the months after that they’ve also been a big part of your summer camp experience. It won’t take you long to realize that being a camp counselor is more rewarding than any job you’ll ever have.

2. The lessons you learn

Every day at camp is a learning experience. You’ll learn things about yourself, about how you interact with other people, and find your place in the world.


You’re spending 2 months in a brand new environment, and you’ll be glad you embraced the opportunity. Whether it’s immersing yourself in new activities, or understanding other people better, you will continue to learn and grow as the summer goes on.

3. Camp friends are best friends

The friendships you make with your fellow camp counselors will last a lifetime.

Leaving camp is always bittersweet. After two months, you’ll have grown closer to some amazing people, and shared an amazing experience together. While you may never see some of these friends again, there are those that you’ll continue to connect with for the rest of your life.

4. It's incredibly fun

Counselors are just big campers. You’re free to let go and just have fun, and you’ll feel like a big kid.


Do you remember spending your summers as a kid covered in dirt and sand, and not caring what you look like? You’ll go back to that place at camp. You’ll lose your inhibitions, and remember how great it is to be outdoors. It’s fun, freeing, and an incredibly positive experience.

Camp Staffers

5. Camp traditions

Be a part of something bigger. Camp traditions are a huge part of the camp environment. Some go back over a hundred years!


Whether it’s a campfire with s’mores, choosing a theme for your bunk, or a late night pool party, you’ll love your camp’s traditions. They pull everyone together, and help establish the sense of unity and family that will make it hard to say goodbye at the end of the summer. They’re deeply rooted in the entire summer camp experience, and they make each camp unique.

6. It's the ultimate summer job

Forget mowing lawns, delivering pizzas, or working in your local restaurant. Everyone needs a summer job. You might as well get one that’s fun!


Working at summer camp might just be the best job you’ll ever have. The best thing about camp is that it never feels like work. It’s not always easy, and there’s times you’ll want to spend a day catching up on sleep – but you won’t want to change it for the world. You’ll get to spend all day hanging out with your group, trying new activities, enjoying the sunshine, and eating your bodyweight in food each day.

7. The perfect tan

After spending up to 4 months in America, even your tan will have a tan. I’d say that’s not a bad problem to have.


Channel your inner Sheryl Crow this summer and soak up the sun. You’ll be spending lots of time outdoors, so if you like getting some vitamin D, summer camp is the place for you. You’ll need to make sure you don’t get burned, so don’t forget the Coppertone 45!

8. You can relax and unwind.

You’ll disconnect from technology, and reconnect with everything else. You’ll form meaningful relationships, and have great conversations with so many different people.


The “camp bubble” will allow you to be in the present moment, and forget about all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have plenty of new pics on your instagram by the end of the summer. You’ll just have lots of other fun stuff going on instead.

9. You'll have new stories

All of your best stories will start the same way – “This one time, at summer camp…,”. It won’t get old.


You’ll have great new friends, and hilarious memories to share with them. If it’s a rainy day, you could drop a new version of “my favourite things” from Sound of Music (shout out to Ariana Grande) with all your camp memories.

10. You'll try new things

Discover yourself at summer camp. Summer camp helps you get out of your comfort zone, and find out things you never knew about yourself.


You’ll have free time, as well as your days off. You can choose to spend this time relaxing, or you can join different groups in their activities. If you’ve ever wanted to climb a rock wall, attempt a great leap of faith, or take a paddleboard out onto the open water, you can.

11. You'll become a role model to campers

Be a leader, all summer long. At camp you’ll become an older brother or sister to your campers. They’ll look up to you as you lead chants in the dining hall. They’ll come to you with advice on whether to audition for the drama play or try out for the basketball team. And no matter how many years go by, they’ll continue to tell their camp stories about amazing memories that you made happen.

12. Camp changes you

You’ll be a new you. If there’s one incredible thing about camp, it’s the profound impact it has on you as a person.


Camp changes you in so many ways. You’ll emerge from the summer a more confident, open, and happy person, and you can bring that forward in your everyday life. On top of the memories you’ll make, you’ll have a better sense of purpose from camp, and maybe even discover what you want to do in the future.


One thing that’s certain: You’ll never be the same again.

Camp Selfie